After all, hat is just a secondary mini joystick. Or or you could use your aircraft control joystick to test view controls. If I remember correctly, an app called "joystick tester" was available on the App Store for like $3 But these setup problems commonly resolve once a single criminal setting is discovered. And ensure binding for enable axis is blank because you don't want to have to tap or click anything to make the hat work.Īlternative view controls would be WASD (takes lots of practice) or mouse in left hand (can set throttle, flaps & zoom given enough buttons and it works well). Regarding "extreme" you may need to set relative control to yes in both "view in battle" axis screens. It sounds correct though, 2 axis for hat. I'm sorry Macgee, I'm not familiar with exactly how to set up the hat as I use WASD for my view control. However, when it comes to selecting the other end of the same axis, look left/hat switch left it won't take the position reading. The set up accepts the first position for the setup i.e look right/hat switch right position. The hat switch left to right axis seems to be set as "axis 5" on the Thrustmaster T16000m and the up and down seems to be set as "axis 6". If I use the setup wizard and it comes to the part where you setup view (look right-left-up-down) I am able to use the hat switch for just one extreme for each axis. It's the hat switch view options which are causing problems. I don't have any problems setting up the movement controls. I'm beginning to think I may have a faulty joystick.