We’ve introduced a significant update that greatly improves performance when typing in large documents parsed with Textmate.This feature enhances the overall security of the user’s interactions with external resources and simplifies the implementation process, as developers no longer need to manage certificates manually. Kotlin applications can now securely communicate with external services and APIs over HTTPS. The support for system certificates in Kotlin has now been added to Fleet.We hope that concise and informative commit names will help you to instantly see essential information at a glance and navigate more easily! Short commit names are visible when you checkout a commit. Short commit names are now displayed in the git header right next to the workspace name.With this fix, you can now see the descriptive names of the run configurations displayed correctly in the Terminal, enhancing the debugging and monitoring experience. We have addressed the issue that caused run configuration names not to appear in the Terminal tab.This means you’ll no longer need to search or scroll extensively to find your main development branch. The master branch now takes the top position in the branches list.This easy and elegant way of locating your commits simplifies the way you navigate your project’s history. The “me” author shorthand is now supported when filtering commits in the Git History in Fleet.Our ongoing progress towards public release has reached its next phase with Fleet 1.21, which features a host of bug fixes and notable updates.