To know about the features available on BlueStacks 5, please refer to the Release Notes. However, please note that you may run into some performance issues. Released: 21st Jul 2023 (a few seconds ago) BlueStacks App Player 4. You can install BlueStacks 5 even if you have a virtual machine such as Microsoft Virtual PC, VMWare Workstation, or Oracle Virtualbox, installed on the same PC. Released: 21st Jul 2023 (a few seconds ago) BlueStacks App Player 4.Up-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.Internet: Broadband connection to access games, accounts and related content.Please ensure Virtualization is enabled on your PC/Laptop.

To find the benchmark score of your processor (CPU) and graphics card (GPU), read this article. Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete GPU with benchmark score >= 750 On the official Bluestacks download page, you can also download older versions of Bluestacks if you want, e.g.

BlueStacks 5 will work on systems that fulfill the minimum requirements.